El Festival Internacional de Santander y la Quincena Musical de San Sebastián han ahorrado 1800 toneladas de CO2 gracias a la gestión compartida del traslado de artistas y orquestas presentes en ambos festivales en los últimos 8 años
Quincena musical de San Sebastián / Donostiako Musika hamabostaldia / San Sebastián Musical Fortnight is the longest-standing classic music festival in the Spanish State and one of the most senior among European ones. It originated back in 1939, driven by the zeal and impetus of the hoteliers and merchants from the city, who picked up the baton of the musical tradition already existing in the city since the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
Once more, Quincena musical de San Sebastián / Donostiako Musika hamabostaldia / San Sebastián Musical Fortnight wants to be a pioneer in establishing a policy of respect to the environment. Insofar as possible, it expects that all events held within the frame of the festival, either at San Sebastian or at any other Guipuzkoan place, abide by the principle of respect and harmony to the environment.
Environmental management is assumed as a fundamental practice of the organization. By planning and establishing methodologies and targets in order to minimize the environmental impact and prevent contamination. Within this working framework the organization has established some practices to reduce the environmental impact generated by greenhouse gases. All this aims to make of Quincena musical de San Sebastián / Donostiako Musika hamabostaldia / San Sebastián Musical Fortnight a festival of reference, a Green Festival.
These targets of respect and harmony with the environment are voluntary assumed by all members of San Sebastián Musical Fortnight team. Each and every one of the persons in the team has as a firm purpose the commitment to the environment and the continuous improvement of their respect to it.
San Sebastián Musical Fortnight management is firmly committed to the fulfilment of all legal requirements and other rules assumed by the organization in connection with respect to the environment. That is why there are some systems for identifying, adapting and implementing the abovementioned requirements for a correct environmental performance.
San Sebastián Musical Fortnight management wish to make public their policy of respect and work in harmony with the environment, so as to being able to efficiently collaborate with clients, artists, sponsors and the general society in the achievement of the abovementioned principles. To this effect the artists signed up by the Musical Fortnight are considered an integral part of the organization that therefore looks forward to their collaboration and commitment to the targets of the organization.
Registro de huella de carbono, compensación y proyectos de absorción de CO2.